Fire! Fire! 

On Tuesday, we had our first practise fire drill of the year. The children were all really well behaved and quick to vacate the premises. We reassured the children that it was only a practise but we need to know what to do in the unlikely event of a real fire at school. We then had our fantastic workshop on Wednesday. The children absolutely loved it! First of all, we learnt that the Great Fire of London took place the year after the Great Plague. We then learnt about the sequence of events that took place during the Great Fire of London. We indulged in some drama activities to re-enact the fire and to sequence the events, and we thought about the differences in people’s lives and what firefighting was like in the past. After that, we explored why the fire was so devastating because of differences in housing and firefighting in 1666. The children participated in discussions and thought about how people must have felt experiencing those events. They were absolutely buzzing by the end of the workshop! 

Our first homework for the year has been set for Friday 29th September. This week, it is phonics spellings linked to the sounds we have been learning in school and also our word aware words. There are 7 words this week. You may have also seen a notification come through on Google Classroom about Spelling Frame and a list of the Year 1 common exception words. If you are having trouble accessing Google Classroom, please speak to either the lovely ladies in the office who have all your login details or speak to one of us in Year 1 and we can help guide you to where you need to be.  

This week in English, we have focussed on the books ‘Oi Dog! and Oi Cat!’ by Kes Gray and Jim Field. We have been learning about what rhyming words are and identifying these in the different books. We then created a list of rhyming couplets, a mind map of rhyming words and wrote rhyming sentences. Next week, we will be using the book ‘Animalphabet‘ by Julia Donaldson to learn about the alphabet. We will be learning about capital letters and lower case letters.  We will also be starting to learn about alphabetical order and using adjectives in sentences. 

This week in maths, we have been focussing on the number 7. We have been using coins to show different combinations of how to make 7p. We have also introduced tens frames to the children and use objects to split 7 into 2 parts. Next week in maths, we will be focusing on the number 8. We will look at different ways to make the number 8, discussing how the number can be split into different parts. For example 4 and 4, 3 and 5, 1 and 7 etc. and show different ways to record this such as cherry diagrams, tens frames and using coins to make the amount. 

Just a few reminders:  

  • Please make sure all your child’s belongings are labelled. Things do go missing and I’m convinced there is a black hole somewhere in the school that sucks them in and they never come back.  
  • Please send your child’s water bottle and book bag into school every day. 
  • Our Year 1 PE day is on a Monday. 
  • Reading books in school are changed once a week and this will be every Monday. The books will be collected in in the morning and a new one will be issued that same afternoon. 


4th October – Harvest Festival – any donations to school on the 4th please  

17th October – Face to Face Parents Evening 3.30-6.30pm 

18th October – Virtual Parents Evening 4-7pm 

23rd – 27th October – Half Term 

30th October – Inset Day 

21st November – Phylis Tuckwell Assembly  

22nd November – Fleet Festivities  

29th November – Nasal Flu (details to follow) 

5th December – Bumblebee Christmas Play AM 

6th December – Hedgehog Christmas Play PM 

12th December – Christmas Lunch 

13th December – Elf Run 

15th December – Last Day of Term 

Have a lovely weekend, see you next week! 

Mrs Ford and the Year 1 team.