The school, then called North Fleet County Infant School, opened on 17 April 1972. It cost £90,000 to build. The number of children, aged 5-6 years, admitted on that day was 61. The Head Teacher appointed to the school was Miss Anne C. Walton. The teaching staff consisted of head teacher, deputy head teacher and two assistant teachers. The non-teaching staff consisted of caretaker, cook-in-charge, secretary, two kitchen helpers, three supervisory assistants and a cleaner.

The official opening of the school, renamed Tavistock County Infant School, was on Friday 29 June 1973.

In the brochure a boy wrote:

‘When I came to school on the first day some of the children helped me to find the toilet and told me not to go on certain parts of the grass. I like this school because there are nice friends and nice books. After a few weeks at school I made friends with two boys. When I was seven I was beginning to like sums and writing and especially doing P.E. When the teacher says it is time to choose I usually play with the sand. Another boy and I are on the highest sums in the class. They are in a sort of book. When I was six I made friends with some more people. At the moment we are split up and part of the class are called elephants and the other part are called rabbits. When I was six we had a football net (but not a full size real one) outside and a football. We can use them when the grass is dry.’

Miss Walton retired on Thursday 21 December 1989 and Mrs Ann Eagle (then Ann Mulvanny) became head teacher on Monday 23 April 1990.

A school uniform was introduced in September 1990 with a school logo designed using self portrait drawings by fifteen children.

In January 1988, PALS (Play and Learn Scheme), now renamed Woodpeckers, was introduced, and took place on a Monday afternoon and a Wednesday morning in the classroom which is now Otter Class.

On 10 September 1990, TAFF (Tavistock Association of Families and Friends) was formed.

On 3 March 1992, Tavistock Playgroup opened and was held in the classroom which is now Otter Class four mornings a week.

On 7 May 1993 the school had a 21st birthday party. An Acer Brilliantissimo was planted and a time capsule containing items the children had chosen to reflect life in the school and in Fleet in 1993, was buried. Maypole dancers performed 3 dances and the orchestra from All Saints Junior School, recorder groups from both Tavistock and All Saints performed.

Also in 1993, the orchard (Crocodile Orchard) was created. 40 trees (pear, apple, cherry, nectarine) were planted, 13 of which were bought by families from the school.

In September 2012 Mrs Joanne O’Connor became headteacher, as Mrs Eagle retired.

Tavistock County
PE Hall