Beautifully Settled 

Another fun and successful week here in Year 1! If you are looking to help out in the Year 1 classes, please make sure you have got your DBS check via the school office. This is also good to have if you would like to help on any school trips etc.  

In English this week we have been looking at the book ‘Shark in the Park‘ by Nick Sharratt to help increase our vocabulary and to build and write our own sentences. We have been recapping our phonics and using these to write the words we need. While doing this, we have learnt about adjectives and how it makes a difference to a sentence. We have built and written sentences to describe what we can see. Next week we will be reading ‘Animalphabet’ by Julia Donaldson where our main focus will be capital letters, what they look like and where we use them. We will also be matching them up to the lower case letter. 

In maths last week, we were busy estimating how many objects were in a pot and then we recorded our estimate on a post-it note. We carefully counted the actual number of objects using a reliable strategy and then recorded this number. Together we talked about how sensible our estimates were. We made sure we counted accurately. We rearranged the objects and talked about how there was still the same amount of objects. This week, we have been focusing on the number 5. We have looked at different ways to make the number 5, discussing how the number can be split into different parts. We have also introduced cherry diagrams and the children are gaining an understanding of how they help represent a number. Next week, we will be doing similar but we will be focussing on the number 6.  

Doors open at 8.45 every morning and register is taken at 8.55 promptly. Please ensure that your child is in school on time every day as regular lateness has a detrimental effect on a child’s learning and self-esteem. Pick up is at 3.15, we understand that occasional lateness will happen for whatever reason but please do try to be on time for your child. 

Book change is every Monday, please listen to your child read the home reading book several times a week and sign the diary to say you have. This way we know that your child has read the book and is ready for a new one.  Please ensure your child has their reading book and diary in school every day. Your child may have also chosen a book from the class boxes, these books are for the children to read or share with a parent at home and your child can change these books themselves when they need a new one. 

Just a few reminders:  

  • Please make sure all your child’s belongings are labelled. Things do go missing and I’m convinced there is a black hole somewhere in the school that sucks them in and they never come back.  
  • Please send your child’s water bottle and book bag into school every day. 
  • Our Year 1 PE day is on a Monday. 
  • Reading books in school are changed once a week and this will be every Monday. The books will be collected in in the morning and a new one will be issued that same afternoon. 


19th and 21st September – 2.50pm Welcome Year 1 Parents Meeting 

4th October – Harvest Festival (details to follow) 

17th October – Parents Evening 3.30-6.30pm 

18th October – Parents Evening 5-7pm 

23rd – 27th October – Half Term 

30th October – Inset Day 

21st November – Phylis Tuckwell Assembly  

22nd November – Fleet Festivities  

29th November – Nasal Flu (details to follow) 

5th December – Bumblebee Christmas Play AM 

6th December – Hedgehog Christmas Play PM 

12th December – Christmas Lunch 

13th December – Elf Run 

15th December – Last Day of Term 

Have a lovely weekend, see you next week! 

Mrs Ford and the Year 1 team.