Not sure what number blog I am on…

Do you lose track of the time? Do you ever set off to do something then forget what it was you were doing? Do you lose things then find them in the last place you look? Welcome to my world and if you would like to join me in starting up a support group then do give me a shout.

At the weekend my daughter and I had an outing to the shops in Basingstoke. We absolutely love a good deal and you will mostly find us rummaging in the bargain buckets or looking for anything with a reduced price sticker on it. We also love going into Pre-Loved shops and Eleanor manages to get the most amazing individual items of clothing that look fabulous on her and she can carry them off. I never quite find my size, plus what I think does look nice, she kindly informs me looks ugly! How rude.

Back to Basingstoke. In the great scheme of things we had nothing to moan about but…they got our coffee order wrong, there were far too many people who were meandering far too slowly, the shops felt most disappointing, they didn’t have our favourite sandwich in the sausage roll shop, and don’t even ask me about the car park which was clearly full of people who hadn’t brought their glasses or were practising for a Grand Prix. The car park was worse than Broadacres on a bad morning! Needless to say we didn’t have quite the experience we hoped we would and came back home a tad disappointed.

I imagine you are wondering if I am ever going to get to the point and to be honest I am not sure I am! I had such a range of emotions whilst we were in Basingstoke and the whole experience made me feel quite grumpy. I am a Sagittarian which is a fire sign so I often bring that up if there is a slight disagreement at home. I wonder if your star sign is reflective of part of your personality? I wonder if your children are reflective of their sign? As I always say it takes all sorts to make a world and it would be boring if we were all the same. Even though I am a fire sign it doesn’t give me a wild card to screech at Mr O! Poor chap. I am so lovely at school I often have nothing left for him at the end of the day.

Please don’t be cross, but Christmas has gently arrived at Tavistock. Children are excitedly telling me what part they are playing in their Christmas performances. The singing of carols and songs is wafting through school and it sounds wonderful. Some children in Fox class claimed they had seen an elf in their room the other day. I do believe that some families in our community have already put up their trees and Tavistock tree will be erected on Sunday. I hope it is still in the outhouse and hasn’t been eaten by mice. If it looks a bit sparse when you come to watch your performance just use your imagination. We really haven’t got budget to spend on a new tree.

I am sure you have noticed that children are starting to get excited already and after Fleet Festivities tomorrow the excitement will be even greater. I heard one lovely mum remind her child that Father Christmas was watching so she needed to make good choices. We all love the language of choices don’t we and of course we never allow a third choice to slip into the mix. A word from a wise, older woman- definitely stick to your guns in the run up to Christmas and don’t give in. No still means no even with FC watching and bedtime is still at 7pm, 8pm at the latest. You need a rest and chance to slump in peace just as much as children need their lovely sleep to help them get through their days. Be kind to yourself now because you will need all your reserves when the batteries run out for the 10th time, or the crotchety aunt that you only see once per year comes to visit and always moans that the turkey is dry! Fish finger sandwiches with tomato sauce are never dry if anyone is not keen on dry turkey.

Well done if you have got to the end. I have governors tonight so I am sleeping at school.