
I am all mixed up in the week because of the Bank Holiday on Monday and the fact I was off school ill yesterday. I don’t know if I am coming or going!

There has been a lot of cheering and competitiveness coming from the hall today because a very enthusiastic chap came to deliver skipping workshops. I believe that my PE co-ordinator was the adult who managed to do the most skips in two minutes which bodes well really. I wonder if my music co-ordinator can hold the highest and longest note? What about my maths co-ordinator, can she accurately balance the school budget? I could go on listing all the co-ordinators and what their top skill could be, but I won’t because that would be a bit boring.

Back to the skipping. The children did so well and almost all the children had a go even if they couldn’t skip yet. There were very few who point blank refused which made the teachers really proud especially because we encourage children to ‘not give up’ and ‘be a good learner’ even if the going gets tough. It is hard to be brave all the time but as always the children of Tavistock did us proud.

Continuing the theme of sport, many of you congratulated me for winning the London Marathon and you may now wish to congratulate me on my first World Snooker title which I won at the weekend. It was a bit of a rush to get back from Sheffield but I made it and the trophy is on my mantle piece next to my pole vault gold medal that I won at the last Olympics. Okay I admit it; I haven’t really won all these titles but I can dream can’t I. Positive mind-setters advocate that we should say that we haven’t achieved something ‘yet’. Watch this space because either I or one of your children could break a skipping world record before the week is over. Ropes will be on sale soon.

Saturday is the TAFF May Fair and I hope to see many of you having a jolly good time. I’m not sure yet which stall I will be manning but do come along to say hello. TAFF have worked very hard and there are so many things for the children to enjoy. I believe there may be some tempting treats for the grown ups too so bring along your cash and spend as much as you like. TAFF have already sorted out the garden for us and are now raising funds for books, books and more books. We could really do with some new bark to go around the muddy bit near the train but that can wait. Unless someone has any bark they don’t want lying around and would like to donate it for free! That was a little bit cheeky and I do know that we can’t have everything all at once. Another good skill which we teach the children at school and I am sure you do at home as well. The immortal words you will have to wait until your birthday or you will have to save up have been uttered many a time I am sure. You have probably even just said no!

Tonight is a governors meeting so it is a late one for all involved. I have said before that the governors do a great job of keeping me in line or the posh phrase is ‘holding me to account’. I do hope they are gentle on me tonight though because the sun is shining, I’ve not been well and I am exhausted from participating in La Vuelta Femenina which finished on Sunday. I am sure I saw Jemima and her lovely Dad at the same race. We must compare notes…