A Ticket to Ride!

We have had another fun packed, busy but exciting week!

The children enjoyed performing ‘The Hokey Cokey’ in P.E this week and are doing really well at getting themselves changed and ready.    

Our story this week was ‘The Hundred Decker Bus’.  The children had great fun listening to the story and coming up with ideas for where the bus driver might be going.  They all designed a deck for the bus and were excited to create it using junk modelling on Friday.

In Literacy this week, the children have had a go at describing their deck.

In Maths this week we have been focusing on the number 5 by counting to 5, representing 5 in different ways and arranging 5 in different ways.

In phonics we introduced new letter sounds, recapped on the ones previously taught and practised our handwriting.  The children have been introduced to ‘special friends’ which are two letters that make one sound. This week they learnt the special friend ‘sh’.

The children have all been given a part in the Christmas Nativity and have bought home a letter explaining which clothes they will need.  If your child has a speaking part they will also have bought home their lines.  Please help your child to practise these.   They are doing amazingly well at learning their lines and we know you will be so proud of their performance.  

Thank you all for your continued support.

Mrs Steevens and Mrs Stroudley