A Ticket to Ride!

What a fabulous week we have had!

On Monday the children attended a SCARF workshop where they met ‘Harold’ and found out about different body parts and ways to stay healthy and safe.  They had so much fun and even got to talk to Harold on the phone!

The children went to a whole school assembly called ‘Open the Book’ where they got to experience a re-enactment of the nativity story.  They all sat beautifully and listened to the story.  Well done Year R.

This week the children have listened to the story of ‘One Snowy Night’ and have been learning all about winter.  This has included a signs of winter hunt in our outdoor area.     

In Maths this week we have recapped on the number 5 and the children have independently tried to order numbers to 5, counted objects and practised the skill of using 1-1 correspondence when counting these objects.

In phonics we introduced new letter sounds, recapped on the ones previously taught and practised our handwriting.  The children are doing so well with phonics and have had nearly all of the single sounds introduced to them. 

We are sure that you are all very excited to come to the Christmas play and the children have been working so hard at learning their lines, songs and actions.  If you have not yet sent in your child’s costume, then please can we have this in school on Monday morning. 

Thank you all for your continued support.

Mrs Steevens and Mrs Stroudley