Beautiful colours are starting to come…

Autumn feels as though it’s on her way, the nights are drawing in, the leaves are gradually changing colour, there is a nip in the air in the morning and I’m considering wearing tights again. The weeks are rushing by and before we know it, we’ll be humming Christmas songs and getting the glitter out!

For the time being though, life in Year 2 has been fairly settled with our routine of reading, maths, English, phonics and topic work. This week the children have finally finished their non-chronological reports about rats in English. Over the last 3 weeks the children have enjoyed learning and writing about these creatures and have used exciting vocabulary to describe their appearance, eating habits and their behaviour. The children have worked so hard on sentence structure whilst using interesting vocabulary and still remembering to use capital letters and full stops in the correct places. There is such a lot for the children to remember in English and we are all so proud of their writing achievements for their first Year 2 ‘Big Write’.

In maths we have been partitioning 2-digit numbers using cherry diagrams and have been getting to grips with the corresponding number sentences that go with each 2-digit number.  We show the children 8 number sentences that go with each 2-digit number as shown below.  In Year 1 the children learnt the first 4 but in Year 2 , there are now another 4 to get to grips with!

We use the language of part, part, whole with the children – meaning the whole as the greater/bigger number.  All 8 number sentences use the same 3 numbers each time, they have just been rearranged.  This activity is so helpful in encouraging mental fluency so why not choose some 2-digit numbers for your child to practise?

Things to remember:

The children will be having their photos taken this coming week so best smiles ready!

Parents’ evenings are next week, please make your appointment!

Have a super weekend, we only have one more week of early starts and then we all can have a lie in!

Kind regard from the Year 2 Team.