Time for some R and R!

I can’t believe we are at half term already, those first seven weeks have flown by and we have done so much already.  The children have been fabulous in settling down quickly and getting on with the business of  being a Year 2 person!

We have had a very busy week, we became poets in English and we all wrote an autumn shape poem. The children decided whether they were going to focus on autumn leaves, pumpkins or squirrels. There were wonderful adjectives and verbs flying around in our autumn input and the children relished writing in a slightly different way. We are putting together class poetry books with our work in so we can all enjoy each other’s work when we are reading for pleasure.

In maths we carried on with our partitioning learning. Partitioning the same number in different ways using tens and ones and representing these using cherry diagrams. The children are developing a great sense of part part whole which, as I have mentioned before, plays a big part of the Year 2 maths curriculum.

If you would like to do a little bit of maths over the half term , here are some ideas for your child to practise those all important skills.

What do you add to 1 to get to 10?  etc. (Number bonds to 10 and number bonds to 20)

Counting forwards and back in 1s crossing a tens barrier,     27,28,29, …………..  44,43,42 ,…….. etc

Counting forwards and back in 10s from any 2-digit number, 17, 27,37 etc  (the units/ones digit stays the same)

If the number is 23, how many tens and how many ones/units are there?  etc

What do all odd numbers end in?       What do all even numbers end in?

If you have a long number, which digit do you look at to tell whether it is an odd or an even number?

Thank you to everyone who made an appointment for parent’s evening, it was lovely to talk to you all and let you know how your children have settled into Year 2 and suggest things you can do to help support your children in their learning.  We really do value all your help with consolidating learning at home, we couldn’t do it without you, so we are sending you a massive thank you.

Hopefully everyone who would like to be in the Christmas Choir has replied by now as the deadline closes on Friday 20th October. We will be starting rehearsals early next half term which will take place at lunchtime for about 10 minutes each time so there will still be plenty of time for eating and play but your child will be expected to attend if they have signed up for the choir!

Thank you to all of you that have signed up to be a parent helper in class. We plan to start this the week beginning 6th November. Please ensure that you have shown your up to date DBS to the office before starting. Please see the lovely ladies in the office if you need help with anything DBS related.

I think that’s about it for now. I’ll be handing the blog over to Miss Heafford for the next half term so you can have a different writing style to read! Once again, thank you for all your support and we hope you have a fabulous half term with lots of R and R and look forward to seeing you all on TUESDAY 31st October. (Don’t forget to send your child in with their homework on TUESDAY for a Year 2 museum walk and there will be a spelling test on the first day back too.)

Kind regards

The Year 2 Team.