The Eggs have arrived!

It is a very exciting week in Year R!  The eggs have arrived and are in an incubator.  We have been observing the eggs and we are very excited to see them hatch! The children have been watching closely and have been doing observational drawings of what they can see. 

Our story of the week is ‘The Odd Egg’ and children have designed their own egg and their own duck.  There have been some amazing designs and fabulous writing.  Well done everyone!

In maths this week we are focusing on longer and shorter.

The children have taken part in more gymnastics this week, using the benches and mats, experimenting with different ways to move along the benches.  They are all so amazing at getting themselves changed now, which is fabulous to see.

Please have a look on tapestry to see some of the fabulous learning that has taken place this week and to follow the journey of our newly arrived eggs!

Many thanks

The Reception Team