What a brilliant start!

It only seems a few hours ago when I was setting the alarm clock for a very silly time, packing up a lunch and choosing my outfit for the first day and already, we are at the end of our first full week.  What a whirlwind it has been! We have spent the five days settling into our new classrooms and getting used to new routines. The children have been busy creating class charters, voting for school councillors, writing about their summer holidays, remembering number bonds, painting self-portraits and learning all about their new class animal. By Friday, I think it was fair to say, everyone was a little tired, including the grown ups! We were very proud of the children this week with how they dealt with everything. Well done Year 2!

This coming week, we will be starting our English, maths, phonics and topic planning as well as listening to home readers, so another busy week is in store. Our topic for this term is Fire and Plague, which is always a popular one with the children and we can’t wait to get started.

Google Classroom is up and running again so spellings will be posted this coming Monday (please see letter in bookbag) and weekly homework will be posted on Friday afternoon – homework will start next Friday.  Supporting your child with their learning at home is just as important as the work we do with them in school so we thank you in advance for the work you will be doing with reading, spellings and homework. We can’t do it without you.

This time of year is always a good time for some reminders:

Doors open at 845 every morning and register is taken at 855 promptly. Please ensure that your child is in school on time every day as regular lateness has a detrimental effect on a child’s learning and self-esteem. Pick up is at 315, we understand that occasional lateness will happen for whatever reason but please do try to be on time for your child.

Book change is every Monday, please listen to your child read the home reading book several times a week and sign the diary to say you have. This way we know that your child has read the book and is ready for a new one.  Please ensure your child has their reading book and diary in school EVERY DAY. Your child has also chosen a book from the class boxes, these books are for the children to read or share with a parent at home and your child can change these books themselves when they need a new one.

Your child needs to have a named water bottle in school every day, it is so important to keep those little bodies and brains hydrated!

Please make sure all jumpers and cardigans are named clearly.

Year 2 have PE on FRIDAY this year so all kits need to be in please with plimsolls or trainers.

That’s it for now, we are looking forward to working with you very much this coming year. Have a great weekend and see you Monday.

Kind regards

The Year 2 Team