When will the sunshine come out?

What strange weather we’re having this April! Before school I am always asking myself, do I continue to wear a winter coat or change to a raincoat? During the week I was even tempted to put a scarf and a bobble hat on! Let’s hope it warms up soon!

This week, in our English lessons, we have continued to learn about persuasive letter writing. The children have been writing their own persuasive letter to the local MP, focussing on the problem of litter in Fleet. The children came up with some brilliant ideas with how we could make a difference and were very persuasive! All the teachers are feeling incredibly proud of the progress the children have made this year.

In our maths learning, we have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes. We have been recognising the different shapes and their properties. Can you find any 3D shapes around your home over the weekend? Can you remember the name and the properties? How many faces, vertices and how many edges does it have? Next week, we will be continuing with our learning about 3D shapes. We will be looking at sorting these shapes and finding lines of symmetry.

At the end of our week, it was great to see so many of you at the first Fleet Carnival workshop. Looking around the hall, there were zebra headbands, giraffe masks and even some binoculars! You all looked safari ready! It was lovely to see so many children enjoying the arts and crafts opportunities with their grown up. Thank you so, SO much to our wonderful TAFF for all of your help – you are amazing!

Things to remember:

  • Book change on Monday – please make sure books and diaries are in.
  • Tennis lessons on Monday mornings – please make sure PE kits are in.
  • Spelling tests are on Monday. Please check your child’s bag to see the results and see if there are any words that they need to practise further.
  • Times tables tests on Friday
  • Library books are changed on a Thursday, during our library time. The children are also welcome to change their books during lunchtimes when the library is open. 

I am going to get tucked back into bed with a Lemsip! Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heafford and the Year 2 team x