How is it the summer term already?

I hope everyone had a fun and restful Easter holidays and ate lots of delicious Easter eggs! Isn’t it lovely finally having some sunshine and lighter evenings?

We have had a lovely first week back in Year 2. The children have settled back into school brilliantly and are all raring to go. We have so many exciting things coming up in the summer term, such as swimming, Fleet Carnival and sports day! Our learning will also be focussed upon our new topic… How does your Garden Grow?

This week, in our English lessons, we have been learning about persuasive letter writing. We have looked at the structure of letters and the features they include. Our focus has been the problem of littering in Fleet and we have been thinking about how this problem could be solved. We designed an action plan to follow and we will be writing a letter to our local MP detailing this issue and persuading him to support. Towards the end of the week, we practised writing some persuasive sentences, in preparation for next week’s big write – a persuasive letter to our MP.

In our maths learning, we have been revisiting money. We have been recognising the different coins and their value. Remember the size of the coin does not reflect the coin’s value – is 5p worth the least because it is the smallest? We have been practising making different amounts using the different coins. Can you find any coins over the weekend and practise making 20p? Next week, we will be looking at 2D and 3D shapes.

At the end of our wonderful first week, it was great to see so many of you representing a number for our Number Day! It was so much fun trying to work out the number that we were; whether it was the number of hairbands in our hair, the number on the back of a football top or the number of spots on a spotty dress! We had so much fun doing a variety of different number activities all day.

Thank you to everyone who has signed up to represent our amazing school in this year’s Fleet Carnival. On Friday, there is the first workshop (3:15-4:15pm) for creating your headband and the first large prop – the safari jeep! It would be amazing to see many of you there!

Things to remember:

· Book change on Monday – please make sure books and diaries are in.

· Tennis lessons on Monday mornings – please make sure PE kits are in.

· Spelling tests are on Monday. Please check your child’s bag to see the results and see if there are any words that they need to practise further.

· Times tables tests on Friday

· Library books are changed on a Thursday, during our library time. The children are also welcome to change their books during lunchtimes when the library is open.

Have a lovely weekend and fingers crossed the sun continues shining,

Miss Heafford and the Year 2 team