Wrapping up warm! 

BRRRRRRRRRRR! Isn’t it chilly at the moment? The children are noticeably more settled this week after the Christmas break. It does usually take a week or two to get back into the swing of things and picking up the same old routine. I’m sure some of them have grown a few inches!  

We absolutely loving our Dinosaur topic. So far, we have talked about the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous eras and we have been comparing what we think the world looked like during those periods. It is hard to explain to the children how long ago it actually was that dinosaurs roamed the earth! We have created some dinosaur artwork which have really brightened up the classrooms. Soon, we will be learning about Mary Anning and the positive impact she had on society.  

In English this week, we have been using the books ‘There’s a T-Rex in town’ and ‘There’s a Stegosaurus on the stairs’ by Ruth Symons to find out facts about dinosaurs, make comparisons and speak in full sentences. We then learned about how connectives can be used to extend our sentences to support our writing at the end of the week. Next week, we will be thinking about the sequence of our school day and what it would be like if a dinosaur was coming to our school. We will be exploring the features of an invitation and discussing how we could persuade a T-Rex or a Stegosaurus to visit us. Finally, we will be using our dinosaur facts from last week to write an invitation to persuade them to come to our school.  

In maths this week, we have been learning about the place value in different numbers. We have been using a range of apparatus to build, and then draw numbers from 20-50. We also spent lots of time talking about how the numbers are built using the appropriate vocabulary of tens and ones. Next week, we will continue to learn about the place value in different numbers. We will again be using a range of apparatus to build, and then draw numbers from 20-50. We will spend lots of time talking about how the numbers are built using the appropriate vocabulary of tens and ones. After that, we will use our knowledge of place value to solve problems. 

Just a few reminders:    

  1. Please make sure all your child’s belongings are labelled. Things do go missing and I’m convinced there is a black hole somewhere in the school that sucks them in and they never come back.    
  2. Please send your child’s water bottle and book bag into school every day.   
  3. Our Year 1 PE day is on a Monday.   
  4. Reading books in school are changed once a week and this will be every Monday. The books will be collected in in the morning and a new one will be issued that same afternoon.   
  5. Library books are changed on a Friday during our library time. The children are also welcome to change their books during lunchtimes when the library is open.  


Thursday 25th January – Bag2School & Unwanted gift collection 

Tuesday 30th January – Face to face 3.30pm-6.30pm  

Wednesday 31st January – Virtual 4pm-7pm  

Friday 2nd February – TAFF Disco 

We like to think of ourselves as a friendly and approachable team and if there is anything you have concerns about, please let us know and we will do our best to help.   

Mrs Ford and the Year 1 team.