A very spotty Friday!

Once again it is that time of year,

Pudsey bear is finally here,

Donate some money to show you care,

Spots, spots EVERYWHERE!

It was wonderful to see so many of you wearing spots to raise money for Children in Need. It truly is such an important charity, and it highlights the importance to be grateful for everything that we are lucky to have. Thank you for all of your donations!

What a busy week we have had in Year 2! This week, in our English lessons, we have been continuing to look at our text called Vlad and The Great Fire of London. The children were getting into the character of Vlad the flea and were writing three diaries. This was the children’s 2nd Big Write of Year 2.

This week in maths, we have been using tens frames to add 3 single-digit numbers. The children needed to add 2 parts together first and then add the final part. They wrote the number sentences to match.

For example:

4 + 3 + 3
3 + 3 = 6
6 + 4 = 10

We also introduced the concept of ‘bridging’. This is a method that many people use (possibly without realising it!) to add numbers mentally. This mathematical strategy involves children using their number bonds to 10 as a base to work out number sentences where the answer is over 10.

For example:

7 + 6 = 13
7 + 3 = 10
10 + 3 = 13

Christmas songs have been filling the corridors this week, as each class have begun to practise their Christmas show. Letters that will detail your child’s role in the show will be sent home next week.

The children who will be performing at Fleet Festivities in the choir, have carried on with their rehearsals at lunchtimes. Less than a week to go – eek! They have been working incredibly hard to learn all of the lyrics and actions, ready for their performance on Wednesday. If your child is in the choir, you should have received a ParentMail including the details. It would be wonderful to see lots of you in the audience as we are swaying from side to side and bobbing up and down (hopefully all in time!).

On Tuesday morning, Year 2 were lucky to have a special visitor. A huge thank you to Corryne from the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service for coming in to teach us the importance of fire safety.

We have an exciting week coming up next week… it’s SCIENCE WEEK! We will be off timetable all week and transforming into little scientists instead! Get your science googles ready!

This week, it has also been Anti-Bullying week and the children are invited to wear odd socks to demonstrate we are all unique on Monday (20th November).

Have a lovely weekend and don’t forget to test your fire alarm!

Miss Heafford and the Year 2 team