Another week has gone…

Hello everyone and welcome again to the blog. Today is the first day of spring apparently, as well as being St. David’s Day, but what a wet one it has been. The daffs in my garden didn’t know what had hit them this morning during those torrential downpours at 7am!  Hopefully they’ll recover and stand tall again very soon.

In class this week, we have been finishing off our unit on fractions – working out 3/4s and 1/3 of a shape, a number and an amount. The children have really got to grip with fractions and it is lovely to see them getting excited about their learning. In English, we have been prepping for our Big Write next week, which will be a descriptive piece. We have been using our 5 senses to come up with super vocabulary and expanded noun phrases. We have practised creating extended sentences and a paragraph using our ideas, so fingers crossed we are ready for next week. In our guided reading sessions, we have all been thinking like detectives and working on our inference skills. This work has been based on pictures and what the children can deduce just by looking at the them.

Today we had our first times tables test, thank you for all the support from home. Please remember that the test questions will be given in random order so please when you are practising at home, don’t just learn them by rote. Times tables doesn’t mean anything to the children when learnt like this – they need to understand that 5 x 2 actually means 5 lots of 2 -instead of being able to recite parrot fashion without understanding what they are saying. Next Friday we are doing the 2 times tables again, but the other way round,  2 x 4   2 x 7  2 x 11  etc.  Spellings will be tested on usual on Monday.

On Tuesday each class had a fabulous treat and learning experience with a Virtual Reality trip to The Land of the Dinosaurs. I can safely say that it was amazing and we all had a great time. I was lucky enough to be partnered up with one of my lovely squirrels so I had the full experience too. The children were brilliant with the technology and we were able to go under water, explore the Jurassic period, go inside a stegosaurus, get up close to a T-Rex, we even saw a meteorite hitting the earth! Incredible, a massive thank you to TAFF for helping to fund this learning for our lovely children. They loved it and were absolutely buzzing afterwards!


Please keep reading home reading books.

Spelling test on Monday  Times tables 2 x on Friday.

World Book Day on Thursday – Dress up or bright, colourful clothes (think Elmer) Please don’t buy anything new!

PE kits should all be on pegs by now.

That’s it for now, have a great weekend and let’s hope we don’t have to dodge the raindrops.

Best wishes

The Year 2 Team