Welcome back everyone!

It’s Mrs. Gadd back again writing the Year 2 blog for the term, I hope you’ve enjoyed hearing the rambles of my lovely colleagues as I think it’s always nice to hear a different voice!

Well, we are exactly halfway through Year 2 now, it’s difficult to believe but the time really is flying by so quickly this year. Jumpers are getting shorter, shoes are getting tight, it feels that the children are just growing so fast. We will have to try and find something to slow down time…

I hope you all had a great half term break and managed some R and R. I had a lovely couple of days in London doing all sorts of interesting things and then came down to earth with a bump when I got home as I had many chores and sorting out to do. However, it is always nice not to have to set the alarm clock. The children have settled back down really quickly into the school routine and we have been busy as always. In maths, we have been learning fractions, finding ½ and ¼ of shapes and numbers and recognizing that 2/4 is the same as ½. Next week we will be continuing this by moving onto ¾ and 1/3. Fractions are great fun to teach and the children have been very enthusiastic too. In English we are being expanded noun experts and we are working up to writing a descriptive piece based on dinosaurs. Imaginations were working at full speed and everyone enjoyed remembering the kung-fu comma in between the two adjectives. Maybe they can show you what I mean by this?

Tuesday afternoon was a real treat when the year group did the museum walk and we looked at each other’s dinosaur homework projects. They were amazing and have made lovely displays around the classrooms, thank you so much for supporting your child with this.

Please look out for changes to Google Classroom homework this week. A letter has been posted explaining about the changes and we will be testing the children on times tables for the next few weeks. Please see GC for further details and please ask if you are unsure about anything. Times tables will be tested every Friday and spellings will still be tested each Monday.

That’s it for now, as always, I’d like to say a massive thank you for your continued support with your child’s education, it really does make a huge difference.

Have a super weekend.

Kind regards,

The Year 2 Team.