Happy National Pizza Day!

I hope you enjoyed your yummy Dominos snacks after school. Thanks so much to our fabulous TAFF team once again for organising such a great event, you guys are AMAZING! 

I can’t believe we’ve reached the end of another half term, where have those six weeks gone!? We have had another busy week in Year 2 and the children have worked super hard. In English, the children have written their own dinosaur story based on the book Dinosaur in Danger. They used their five senses to imagine what their characters could see, hear, smell, touch and taste and used adjectives and adverbs to add description to their stories. We used interesting vocabulary to hook the reader in and finished our stories on cliffhangers to add suspense and make the reader want to find out more. The children were super creative and the teachers were very proud of their hard work. 

In maths this week we have been learning to tell the time! We have used analogue clocks to tell the time to the nearest 15 minutes and have focused on o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to. The children learnt how to read the time correctly and draw the hands on the clock. We made our own clocks in school and used them in each maths lesson to support our learning. They were very simple to make and only required a few materials: a paper plate, paper, a split pin and pencil. Please keep practising these skills at home with your children to help improve their confidence and understanding. 

We have also been learning about Hinduism in RE this week. We listened to the story of Holika, Prahlad and Vishnu and learnt about the Festival of Colour. We discovered ways in which Hindus celebrate the Holi festival which symbolises the victory of good over evil. We used colourful scarves to reenact the throwing of the colourful powder and created a shrine with different resources. All three year 2 classes learnt a Bollywood dance and had so much fun dancing altogether in the hall.  


Some of the children have taken their PE kits home for a wash, Year 2 have PE on Fridays so please send the PE kits back in ready after half term. Just a reminder that the Year 2  homework task (please see Google Classsroom for more info) needs to be brought into school on Tuesday 20th. We will be doing a museum walk around Year 2 for the children to show their homework off. Spelling tests will also resume as normal on Monday 19th. *Look out for an important message regarding homework tasks on Friday 23rd Feb.*

Finally, please also find time to rest, play and spend time with your families. The children work so hard and need these holidays to recharge, as do the teachers! 😅 Enjoy having a week off, eating lots of yummy pancakes and celebrating love on Valentines Day. Have a fabulous half term everyone! Over and out. X