Happy December! 

Christmas has begun here at Tavistock! The children are excitedly practising for their Christmas plays. They have been working really hard to learn all the words and actions to the songs and say their lines beautifully. They are really excited to perform next week! Just a reminder that Bumblebees Christmas play is on Tuesday 5th at 9.20am and Hedgehogs Christmas play is on Wednesday 6th at 2.15pm. Just another reminder that some of the children had their nasal flu vaccination on Wednesday. If they start to have a sniffle or feel unwell, it could be fallout from this. 

We had some wonderful sessions with Sarah from SCARF this week. These workshops were kindly funded by our wonderful TAFF. It was really exciting getting to go in Harold’s tent! The SCARF session was focussed on mental wellbeing and the children were learning about gratitude. Part of the session was focussed on mindfulness and they were thinking about ways in which they can connect to nature. The children came up with some super actions to the calming music.  

This week in English, we have been continuing to learn how to use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces correctly to write sentences. Focussing on these skills have really improved the children’s writing and they have all made so much progress. Next week, we will be continuing to focus on our sentence writing but using Christmas pictures to inspire the children. 

This week in maths, we have been learning about subtraction and the concept of taking away. We started the week with using practical resources to take away and we focussed on the language involved when taking away. We then moved on to exploring pictures and representations that show taking away, and write expressions and equations to match these. After that, we moved on to learning about doubling. We used practical resources to double numbers and then moved on to representing doubles using pictures and equations. In maths next week, we will look at a variety of 2D shapes and discuss the different properties of each one. We will make comparisons about different 2D shapes by looking at their properties. Then, we will use 2D shapes and irregular shapes to create a picture. After that, we will learn about 3D shapes and their properties. We will create our own 3D compound shapes using all we have learnt. What a shapetastic week we will have! 

Just a few reminders:   

  1. Please make sure all your child’s belongings are labelled. Things do go missing and I’m convinced there is a black hole somewhere in the school that sucks them in and they never come back.   
  2. Please send your child’s water bottle and book bag into school every day.  
  3. Our Year 1 PE day is on a Monday.  
  4. Reading books in school are changed once a week and this will be every Monday. The books will be collected in in the morning and a new one will be issued that same afternoon.  
  5. Library books are changed on a Friday during our library time. The children are also welcome to change their books during lunchtimes when the library is open. 


5th December – Bumblebee Christmas Play 9.20 AM  

6th December – Hedgehog Christmas Play 2.15 PM  

8th December – TAFF Christmas Movie Night 

11th December – Elf Run  

12th December – Pantomime   

14th December – Elfridges Christmas Shop 

15th December – Last Day of Term  

Have a lovely weekend, see you next week!  

Mrs Ford and the Year 1 team.